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Custom Etching Pickling & Plating Tanks

Custom Etching Pickling & Plating Tanks offer excellent chemical-resistance in corrosive environments where there are strong acids, organic solvents, degreasing agents, or electrolytic attack. These plastic custom plating tanks and etching tanks are built for the specific needs of a wide array of companies and industries and can feature various racks, buss bars, and other ancillary equipment as required.

Acid cleaning removes the surface impurities, stains, inorganic contaminants, rust and scale from ferrous metals within a process tank or dipping tank.

Fabricated Pickling & Plating Tanks

Enduramaxx has the ability to fabricate custom plastic tanks of any size & any specifications that are desired. We make tanks for a variety of purposes, including pickling tanks, anodizing tanks, acid tanks, sump tanks, weir tanks, double-wall containment tanks, rinse tanks, plating lines, etc.

This range of acid pickling tanks and chemical tanks are available with many fittings and modifications to suit your application. This includes inlets, outlets, PN16 and ANSI flanges, welded sockets and as well as fume proof lids and vents.

Common chemicals use for metal surface treatment and metal finishing include hydrochloric acid and sulphuric acid, otherwise known as a solution called pickle liquor. Wetting agents and corrosion inhibitors are also used.

Lids For Pickling & Plating Tanks

These tanks entirely acid resistant, any part of these can be submerged without any concerns. Fitted with a mini access lid for monitoring, this reduces the risk of splashing which could result in injury and the optional lids are available for unimpeded access.

View Our Custom Pickling & Plating Tank Range

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