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Wastewater Aeration Tanks
Wastewater Aeration Tanks by an air diffuser can be used where continuous wastewater treatment is essential. Plants can continue to operate during installation and removal for maintenance as no tank drain down is required.
What is Aeration in Wastewater Treatment?
Aeration is used to remove dissolved gases and oxidize dissolved metals such as iron and hydrogen sulphide which is the water. Aeration is an activated sludge process for treating wastewater sewage and industrial wastewater. Aeration works by promoting microbial growth in the wastewater, which in turn feed on organic material, forming flocks that easily settle out.
Once settled in a separate settling tank, bacteria forming the activated sludge are continually recirculated back to the aeration tank. This in turn increases decomposition rates of fresh effluent requiring treatment.
Activated Sludge Process
The activated sludge process is a wastewater treatment process for treating sewage or industrial wastewaters using aeration and a biological floc composed of bacteria.
Aeration Treatment for Drinking Water Plants
The creation treatment process is often part of the secondary treatment process of activated sludge treatment in wastewater treatment plants. An evenly distributed oxygen supply in an aeration system is essential to effective wastewater treatment for fostering microbial growth.
Aeration Tank Diffusers
Aeration diffusers are typically connected to a piping system which is supplied with pressurized air by a blower. This system is commonly referred to as a diffused aeration system or aeration grid.
Disc diffusers are mounted on the tank floor of the water treatment tank where the biological process is to be carried out. A heavy-duty pump is used to vary the amount of oxygen through either coarse bubble diffusers or fine bubble diffuser depends on the organic matter and biological treatment systems.
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