Plastic Conical Cone Tanks for Draining Ease

Enduramaxx Plastic Conical Cone Tanks for Draining Ease

Plastic Conical Cone Tanks for Draining Ease

The cone bottom plastic tank is a one-piece moulded high-density polyethene (HDPE) tank designed for a variety of applications in the liquid storing, mixing or dry bulk products.   The cone itself is available in a variety of slopes from 5 degrees to 60 degrees depending on the application for the tank.

Food Safe / WRAS Approved Cone Tanks

High-density polyethene is suitable for food contact and potable water safe as it carries a WRAS certificate.  Being UV stabilised, these rotationally moulded tanks are suitable for many years of use outside. 

Density & Colour Options

Enduramaxx cone tanks are available in different densities and colours depending on what is being stored. The conical plastic tank system can be fitted with a range of sockets, flanges and sliders are required for the product being stored, and a steel stand which is the necessary support required for each tank size.

  • 1.0 SG rated tanks – suitable for water or rainwater applications
  • 1.5 SG Rated tanks – suitable for medium density acids, liquid fertiliser/molasses, and water tanks with welded fittings

 Our plastic conical tank range

CodeCone TanksStandard OutletStandard LidDimensions (mm)Product Link
1752014501-F250 Litre 45 Degree Cone Tank with Frame1?455609 Dia x 1562 HProduct Link
1752024501-F500 Litre 45 Degree Cone Tank with Frame2?455812 Dia x 1563 HProduct Link
1752036001-F600 Litre 60 Degree Cone Tank with Frame2?4551200 Dia x 1460 HProduct Link
1752046001-F900 Litre 60 Degree Cone Tank with Frame2?4551400 Dia x 1680 HProduct Link
1752033001-F1000 Litre 30 Degree Cone Tank with Frame2”4551200 Dia x 1552 HProduct Link
1752091501-F1100 Litre 30 Degree Cone Tank with Frame2”4551400 Dia x 1500 HProduct Link
1752053001-F1360 Litre 30 Degree Cone Tank with Frame2”4551200 Dia x 1888 HProduct Link
175216001-F1500 Litre 60 Degree Cone Tank with Frame2”6201400 Dia x 2120 HProduct Link
1752094501-F1500 Litre 45 Degree Cone Tank with Frame2”6201900 Dia x 1605 HProduct Link
1752056001-F1600 Litre 60 Degree Cone Tank with Frame2”4551200 Dia x 2378 HProduct Link
1752063001-F1700 Litre 30 Degree Cone Tank with Frame2”4551200 Dia x 2300 HProduct Link
17520660-F2000 Litre 60 Degree Cone Tank with Frame2”4551200 Dia x 3000 HProduct Link
1752096001-F2000 Litre 60 Degree Cone Tank with Frame2”6201900 Dia x 2299 HProduct Link
1752083001-F2100 Litre 30 Degree Cone Tank with Frame2”4551200 Dia x 2465 HProduct Link
1752086001-F2350 Litre 60 Degree Cone Tank with Frame2”4551200 Dia x 3010 HProduct Link
1752103001-F2700 Litre 30 Degree Cone Tank with Frame2”4551400 Dia x 2433 HProduct Link
1752071501-F3000 Litre 15 Degree Cone Tank with Frame2”6201900 Dia x 1890 HProduct Link
1752106001-F3150 Litre 60 Degree Cone Tank with Frame2”4551400 Dia x 3200 HProduct Link
1752113001-F3250 Litre 30 Degree Cone Tank with Frame2”4551400 Dia x 3100 HProduct Link
1752133001-F3500 Litre 30 Degree Cone Tank with Frame2”6202600 Dia x 1921 HProduct Link
1752116001-F3650 Litre 60 Degree Cone Tank with Frame2”4551400 Dia x 3460 HProduct Link
1752074501-F4000 Litre 45 Degree Cone Tank with Frame2”6201900 Dia x 2440 HProduct Link
1752121501-F4200 Litre 15 Degree Cone Tank with Frame2”6201900 Dia x 2334 HProduct Link
1752124501-F4900 Litre 45 Degree Cone Tank with Frame2”6201900 Dia x 2879 HProduct Link
1752076001-F5000 Litre 60 Degree Cone Tank with Frame2”6201900 Dia x 3027 HProduct Link
1752151501-F5200 Litre 15 Degree Cone Tank with Frame2”6201900 Dia x 2640 HProduct Link
1752266001-F5500 Litre 60 Degree Cone Tank with Frame2”6202600 Dia x 2900HProduct Link
1752154501-F5900 Litre 45 Degree Cone Tank with Frame2”6201900 Dia x 3195 HProduct Link
1752126001-F6000 Litre 60 Degree Cone Tank with Frame2”6201900 Dia x 3467 HProduct Link
1752161501-F6200 Litre 15 Degree Cone Tank with Frame2”6201900 Dia x 3030 HProduct Link
1752164501-F6900 Litre 45 Degree Cone Tank with Frame2”6201900 Dia x 3585 HProduct Link
1752171501-F7000 Litre 15 Degree Cone Tank with Frame2”6202400 Dia x 2640 HProduct Link
1752156001-F7000 Litre 60 Degree Cone Tank with Frame2”6201900 Dia x 3889 HProduct Link
1752143001-F8000 Litre 30 Degree Cone Tank with Frame2”6202260 Dia x 2551 HProduct Link
1752166001-F8000 Litre 60 Degree Cone Tank with Frame2”6201900 Dia x 4279 HProduct Link
1752183001-F10000 Litre 30 Degree Cone Tank with Frame2”6202600 Dia x 3452 HProduct Link
1752146001-F10000 Litre 60 Degree Cone Tank with Frame2”6202600 Dia x 3945 HProduct Link
1752186001-F12000 Litre 60 Degree Cone Tank with Frame2”6202600 Dia x 5034 HProduct Link
1752251301-F13000 Litre 13 Degree Cone Tank with Frame2”6202600 Dia x 3379 HProduct Link
1752253001-F14000 Litre 30 Degree Cone Tank with Frame2”6202600 Dia x 3930 HProduct Link
1752283001-F15000 Litre 30 Degree Cone Tank with Frame2”6202600 Dia x 4122 HProduct Link
1752500501-F25000 Litre 5 Degree Cone Tank with Frame2”6203450 Dia x 3737 HProduct Link
1752550501-F30000 Litre 5 Degree Cone Tank with Frame2”6203450 Dia x 4067 HProduct Link


Enduramaxx: Your Plastic Conical Cone Tanks Supplier

Contact us today – At Enduramaxx we look forward to working with you on your next tank project.  Whether it is a quote or a discussion to look at options, please contact us today on 01778 562810 or email us at

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